Thursday 21 January 2010

Here is my second ever item listed up on I have wanted to start selling for ages on here and have finally made a start. And Yay! I no longer have just one sad and lonely item. I intend to list on as well running similar items simultaneously just to see the difference in selling levels. I very much like Etsy's listing charges 20c for 4 months , can't sniff at that , even if things turn out to be slower to sell it is a great showcase and gotta be a good thing to have some Internet presence.

Well Here I am !

OK , so my first post of my first ever blog -Here Goes.

Some Bright Spark suggested I should keep a blog in order to render an cure for insomniacs, no sorry I mean keep track of my progress or lack of in my new endeavours of 2010.

I am an aspiring writer and generally a creative sort. A glance around my small and very full house will back this up , cupboards overflowing with crafty stuff and a kitchen table that has become my studio ! I am a real hoarder (check spelling LOL) and I AM the magpie in the blog title.

I while away hours quite happily scratting away in the Obscure shops department of the Internet .I love vintage goodies and anything of an age or with a story behind it. All the while I am buying I am envisaging the creation and masterpiece it will become. Maybe NOT the cabbage plates though. We will come to those another day.

I am planning a book about jewellery making. It IS the book I would like to read, and with that being the criteria I have decided to write it myself. This years resolution was also to get on with my jewellery designing and making , I am the Queen of Procrastinators. Anyway this blog is to tell the story of how my book was won. Or began even!